Ceramic or Ferrite magnets are made from Barium or Strontium Oxide, and Ferric Oxide. Strontium Ferrite’s are a powerful and cost effective option and are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Ceramic magnets will operate at up to 250˚C before losing their magnetism.

Ferrites are black in colour and are made with a ceramic carrier material. This makes them very hard and brittle so they can shatter with ease. They are available as North/South as well as multi-pole orientations.
In a N/S orientation the North Pole is on the largest flat face, with the South on the opposite face.
Multi-pole magnets have a series of lines of alternative North’s and South’s across one face.
The back of these is marked with a paint spot or a cast dimple. This orientation is suited to close contact and holding uses.

Because of the low cost of these magnets, they are most commonly used for craft uses.

At Magnets New Zealand, we pride ourselves in our high quality magnets and superior customer service.
Not sure what magnet is right for you? Get in touch with the team for some expert advice.